Archive for the ‘Photography’ Category

An Inspiring Strong Woman

Thursday, June 6th, 2019

I love being inspired by strong women. Take a look at the amazing Tash Sergi from Australian Ninja Warrior!

I was lucky enough to be hired by Compass Group Australia to take some stretching photography of her for some posters they are producing.

I couldn’t stop staring at her arms! They are magnificent!

Tash is a health and fitness coach, has 2 children, is a past entrant in Ninja Warrior Australia and is incredibly strong, you go girl!

This is someone that all of our daughters should look up to. Someone who is strong, successful and capable.

Mandurah’s Crab Festival – Promotional Video Production

Thursday, May 30th, 2019

Ever been to a crab festival? Mandurah WA holds one every year across 3 days, called Crab Fest.

Fresh Oysters!
Live music in the beer garden

It includes music, food, fireworks and carnival rides. It is just great day out for the whole family.
We were hired by the City of Mandurah to produce a 60 second video of the massive event.

Craig filming the crowd’s reaction to Montaigne

It was a full on day for Craig and myself, working for 12 hours on our feet with a quick 15 minute lunch break thrown in the middle between events! Lots of fun though and we were thrilled to be part of it. Especially being able to see the amazing Montaigne perform.

Float Tank Relaxation – Business Promotional Photography

Thursday, May 16th, 2019

Recently I took some stills for a business called Peace in A Pod, they specialise in float tanks, massage, sauna and spas (plus much more.)

I seriously had no idea how much you actually float in those pods! It looks so amazing, like you literally can not make yourself sink to the bottom. I think I wouldn’t last 10 minutes before falling asleep. In Craig’s opinion he doesn’t think I would last 1 full minute… I do enjoy napping!

They were a great team to work with, lots of fun and lots of laughs! Would highly recommend a visit for yourself or someone you love 🙂

DJI Mavic Air – Landscapes in Greece

Wednesday, March 13th, 2019

Last year we were fortunate enough to go on a family holiday to Greece. My father was born in Sparta and we decided to go visit together with my parents and our kids to see his birth place.

Image result for this is sparta

What Drone to Take on Holiday?

Because to be honest we really aren’t going anywhere without one! We already have a DJI Phantom 4 drone but it is bulky and inconvenient to take on holiday, it needs its own whole backpack to travel. So we decided to purchase a small holiday drone that we could fit into existing backpacks, was light but also took great stills and video. After much research we went with the DJI Mavic Air.

Image result for dji mavic air

We were thrilled with the quality, the ease of use and the portability. Here are some photos we took while away in a beautiful country.

Gytheio, In the south of Greece (pronounced Yitheo)

The iconic Pathenon in Greece

Gytheio in Greece. The beaches are difficult to get to but are warm and spectacular

The Island of Paros. We caught this 4 hour ferry from the mainland.

Vrodomas – My dad’s birth village just outside of the city of Sparta

The ancient town of Mystras in Sparta. Well worth a visit

Heritage Photography – The Esplanade Hotel

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

Recently the Esplanade Hotel in Port Hedland had a refurbishment and I was hired to take some heritage photos around Port and South Hedland for them to hang on their walls and place in their menu.

My brief was, the photos had to be at heritage sites in Port Hedland, they had to be black and white and they had to be in portrait framing.The portrait thing nearly killed me but I always love a photo challenge! Here are a few of my favs.

Here is how they were used in the new look restaurant.

The Esplanade Hotel Port Hedland website

Over $1500 for Madi’s Surgery!

Monday, August 17th, 2015

On Saturday we raised $1,564.85 for Madi Molloy!

We couldn’t have done it without the help of Rockingham Shopping Centre who donated a $500 gift card and a brand new bicycle that we successfully raffled off.

Thank you so much for everyone who donated and for the wonderful mascots from Chipmunks Port Kennedy who gave up their time to help a special girl.

compilation 2 _Fundraiser

The 6 year old dance girls from Pure Beat Dance were there all day selling books and cricket sets and being so cute that nobody could walk past them yelling “would you like to make a gold coin dalmation???”

compilation 1 _Fundraiser

If you haven’t made a donation yet, don’t worry we are doing a sausage sizzle this Sunday at Masters Home Improvement in Baldivis or you can just make a one off donation to Madi’s go fund web page

Hope to see you there!

What is it like working with you??? Answer this and increase your conversion rate

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

As a client searching for a newborn photographer, you can be overwhelmed with choice. Beautiful photographs are one thing but how do you know what the experience is like working with them? How will they make you and your baby feel? That is what is great about utilising video you can achieve all of this is just a few seconds and build trust in your client. Make your website stand out, you will be memorable in their mind after they have watched your video. Your conversions from browser to enquiry to sales will dramatically change.

Local photographer Fiona wanted to show her potential clients what it was like working with her while she photographed newborn babies. She wanted the viewer to understand the setting, ambiance and relationship with the couple and how it all contributed to the experience of hiring her. Her photographs speak for themselves but she wanted the viewer to understand that coming to her studio was a wonderful experience for everyone involved.

Contact us today if you would like a quote for a similar video for your business and start building trust with your potential clients immediately.

Evoke edit













Evoke Portfolio Thumbnail Template

Professional Photography Makes A Difference

Sunday, May 17th, 2015

Recently I did a self defense course at a Mixed Martial Arts gym and the course was amazing, I picked up so much fantastic information and skills that I otherwise would have never known. So on my way out I took a brochure with me to encourage others to go. Once I had a look through it and saw the poorly taken photographs which were obviously taken with a camera phone, I thought to myself “If I had’ve seen this brochure before hand, I wouldn’t have gone to this gym.” I felt the photographs did not accurately portray the quality of the course, the professionalism of the instructors and the wealth of knowledge that I got from the experience.

There’s no way around it, first impressions count, so if a potential client comes to your website, or picks up brochure and there are cheap, poorly taken photographs representing your business, straight away an opinion is going to be made. Whether you like it or not the professionalism of the photographs of your business, reflects the professionalism of the business itself.







Here is a recent photo shoot we did for ESS who provides all the support services for mining camps in the Pilbara. They use the photographs for a variety of promotional materials, website, brochures, newsletters, decals at the camps, framed posters in the head offices. The upfront cost is so minimal compared to the amount of customers the photographs will bring in. Iphones are no match for the experience and know-how of a trained professional.

Contact us today for a quote and make your first impression on your client an accurate one.

Australia’s First Disability Flashmob! Event Coverage

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

Event coverage

The flashmob in full effect!

Event coverage has never been this inspiring or this fun for Craig and I! We were hired by Megaroc Dance Company to film the first ever Disability flashmob in Australia to celebrate Disability Awareness Week.

Craig and I must have looked hilarious wondering around Garden City trying to look incognito with 2 professional cameras while waiting for the flashmob to start. We didn’t want to give it away!

Feel like being inspired? Then you have to watch the video below! There is no way that you can watch it without smiling. You know what I learned today? That everybody CAN dance!

Definition Flashmob:

For those who are unfamiliar, a flashmob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, do a performance for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression.

About Megaroc:

Megaroc was founded by Megan Diggins in 2002. Not long after she started Wheels In Motion disability dancing as part of her company. Conducted by Megan Diggins, the classes are designed for disabled and able-bodied people combined.

Cockburn Ice Arena Promotional Video

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Here is a small business promotional video we did for Cockburn Ice Arena. I know what your first question is “how did you walk on the ice and film without falling over?” Well MacGuyver (Craig) came up with the ingenious idea of “screw shoes” Surprisingly they worked a treat!

Screw shoes in full effect!

Screw shoes in full effect!

It was so much fun filming The owner Calandra organised for the ice hockey team to perform for us. Holy moly they are fast!

ice hockey video

Craig setting up for the players to zoom past him

Craig setting up the GoPro in the net, so we could get some cool “goal shots”

GoPro in ice hockey goals

Craig setting up the GoPro

They all enjoyed it when we called the puck a “ball” and the hockey stick a “bat”

Kristen concentrating hard while she's videoing on the ice. For the Ice Skating Promotional video

Concentrating hard!

They were very happy with the finished product. Check out the video, but be warned, it really makes you want to go ice skating!