Archive for the ‘Corporate video’ Category

Cockburn Ice Arena Promotional Video

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Here is a small business promotional video we did for Cockburn Ice Arena. I know what your first question is “how did you walk on the ice and film without falling over?” Well MacGuyver (Craig) came up with the ingenious idea of “screw shoes” Surprisingly they worked a treat!

Screw shoes in full effect!

Screw shoes in full effect!

It was so much fun filming The owner Calandra organised for the ice hockey team to perform for us. Holy moly they are fast!

ice hockey video

Craig setting up for the players to zoom past him

Craig setting up the GoPro in the net, so we could get some cool “goal shots”

GoPro in ice hockey goals

Craig setting up the GoPro

They all enjoyed it when we called the puck a “ball” and the hockey stick a “bat”

Kristen concentrating hard while she's videoing on the ice. For the Ice Skating Promotional video

Concentrating hard!

They were very happy with the finished product. Check out the video, but be warned, it really makes you want to go ice skating!

Golf…”Accurately” Commentated- Corporate Event Video Production

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

Every year the Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets put on an annual corporate golf day for their clients at Joondalup Resort. Knowing our comedic background (Craig’s youtube videos) they asked us if we could provide event video coverage of the day to be played at a gala dinner the following evening. The only requirements we were given was that it had to be funny and it had to be edited in only a few hours.

RBC golf day Corporate Event Video Production Coverage
Best part was we got to drive around a golf cart all day!

“This is the 4th year we have been doing videos. This is by far the best one we have had.
On the event night the crowd was in hysterics for the whole duration of the video.”
Rema Suleiman
Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets

A short clip from the 2012 edit.

Working with Microsoft in Perth – Partnership Video

Saturday, June 30th, 2012

We recently were asked to produce a video detailing one of Microsoft’s partnership success stories in Perth. The production required close attention to matching the existing visual style and theme of the current videos in the USA. This was to provide clean continuity when the videos went live online and were used within an international conference.

As much we looked, for the entire Microsoft shoot, we did not see one i-pad or i-phone…strange…

From June 22, 2013

“Great job on everything – your support footage was beautiful!
Thank you again for your help with this.”

Sam McJunkin
Touch Worldwide

Australian and New Zealand College of Anesthetists annual Scientific conference

Thursday, May 24th, 2012
Day 1 of ANZCA conference

Day 1 of ANZCA conference

The international ANZCA conference required high quality video interviews, photography and audio coverage over the duration of the 6 day Perth event. All media was captured and edited on location and available via their newsletter daily. Don’t you just love technology?!

The photographic and video updates informed their international audience of the days events and upcoming attractions. The photography captured was also used in additional media after the event for publicity and promotion of the college via their website.

Day 3 ANZCA conference

Day 3 ANZCA conference

This pic was taken on Day 3 of the ANZCA conference, during this interview I (Kristen) pronounced the conference as ANZAC instead of ANZCA. We had to stop the interview and start again from the top. Whoops! Faux Pas!

Grabbing a quick lunch in an elevator!

Grabbing a quick lunch in an elevator!

With so little free time we had to grab a quick bite of lunch in the lift!

Media area ANZCA

Media area ANZCA

Other than capturing material, we were handling daily post production of video, photos and audio. In the photo, you can see captioning, newsletter and related writing is happening to the right and in the background, speaker media preparation is happening. It was a very intense, stressful 6 days but it was one of the best work experiences of my life.

A big thanks to Kirsten from Compose Photography who took these awesome pics of us working.