Posts Tagged ‘family’

Mandurah’s Crab Festival – Promotional Video Production

Thursday, May 30th, 2019

Ever been to a crab festival? Mandurah WA holds one every year across 3 days, called Crab Fest.

Fresh Oysters!
Live music in the beer garden

It includes music, food, fireworks and carnival rides. It is just great day out for the whole family.
We were hired by the City of Mandurah to produce a 60 second video of the massive event.

Craig filming the crowd’s reaction to Montaigne

It was a full on day for Craig and myself, working for 12 hours on our feet with a quick 15 minute lunch break thrown in the middle between events! Lots of fun though and we were thrilled to be part of it. Especially being able to see the amazing Montaigne perform.

How To Make A Cat Repellent Automatic Sprinkler

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019

Craig has released a new video on his “how to” youtube channel, Turnah81 and with it an ebook. That’s right, Craig is now a published author!
So the video and book is simple instructions on how to make your own automatic sprinkler animal repellent for only $15 in parts.

Commercial versions of this concept can be really expensive- ranging from $80 to $190! Which is partly what inspired Craig to come up with this design.

This simple project can be used:

  • As a Cat or Dog Repellent
  • Animal Deterrent for other backyard pest like Squirrels, Bears, Possums, Raccoons & Deer 
  • Use it to stop a pet dog digging in your yard
  • To stop ducks sitting on your pool
  • Prevent birds from killing fish in a pond
  • Keep birds off a window ledge
  • Prank friends or family
  • or even as a fun & educational school science project.